Friday, 18 September 2015

Get up and help!

"I am an average citizen. I work from 9 to 6 . Sometimes I even put in extra hours.  I get my salary and earn my living. I have fun over the weekends and I make sure I give time for my parents and friends. . I do not hurt anyone intentionally nor do people fight with me. I am pretty good at all this. Yes, I do need to acquire new skills but I am satisfied with my current progress. Also, I am working towards my future plans. All this I do for my family and for myself. I make sure I give some money to charity whenever possible. I am a good person."

Many of us have the above outlook towards ourselves. I also had the same mindset. I considered myself a well planned and a focused individual of the society. Until I realized I was actually subtly selfish in nature. "I" earn "my" living. "I" am good. I do everything for "my" family and "myself". It may be surprising to many of us, but I want to bring to your notice how we often tend to think of ourselves in whatever we do. I believe we have a responsibility towards the world we live in. All of us know that we can sleep peacefully because a soldier is risking "his/her" LIFE to protect us. Researchers are working day and night to find cure for illness so that we can live a healthy life. They are being paid but I believe money can buy back the resources invested but it cannot buy back the time a person has invested.

Its very important for us to contribute to the well being of others. We all dream of a good world. But are we good enough to put efforts to make a good world? Yes, charity does help. But there is nothing like going out there and helping feed a hungry stomach. NGOs and charitable organisations rely on sponsorship. But they run on peoples efforts. People like you and me. Go out there and see the troubles of people. Put in your talent to help educate a child. Fight for the rights of someone. I am not asking you to leave your job and dedicate your life for the nations prosperity. I am requesting you to put in one hour in a month towards helping someones life personally. You can spend time teaching a child to read, give company to a the elderly from the old age homes or even help people fill up forms in a bank!. You can  join an NGO and spend one full day with them. There are innumerable opportunities to help. All we require is the will to help. The will to think beyond our needs and desires.

We can either start giving a helping hand to the needy around us or we can just ignore them and instead spend 2 hours watching a movie. Its upto us. We are all made unique by our Creator. Its us who think we are average and no different from others when our appearance itself clearly contradicts our thoughts. Even the trees around us give fruits and flowers selflessly. We need to realise that we are not here for ourselves only, but we are here more to utilise our abilities to help the needy. You do not need to be a millionaire to help people. Just an hour of your life can make a big difference to someones life. Remember that happiness, peace and help - the more you give it, the more you get it.

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