Monday, 5 May 2014

The Orange Bucket Project

What is The Orange Bucket Project?
The Orange Bucket Project is an initiative started in February 2014 to cater to thirsty street dogs by providing them with water to drink and quench their thirst.

Why only street dogs?
This initiative started in India which has a large population of street dogs. Unlike stray cattle and other animals which wander in search of food, street dogs are confined to a local area for almost their entire lives. Their access to any source of water is limited to only these areas. Including stray cattle and other animals would be a welcome step for the Orange Bucket Project. But at present this project does not have the resources to do so as cattle consume water in large amounts.

How is this project carried out?
Volunteers working for this project provide drinking water by carrying a bucket of water in their vehicles and by locating street dogs in different localities. The bucket is kept by the road so that it is easily accessible to the street dogs. Once all the street dogs present near the bucket have drank water, the bucket is picked up and taken to a different locality. This activity is performed once a week for one hour. At present, water is provided every Tuesday from 6:30 am to 7:30 am in the morning.

Why only once a week? Why only one hour?
This constraint is due to the non-availability of resources on a daily basis. Volunteers for this project are full time professionals and hence are expected to dedicate one hour of their time in a week.

How much water is provided?
At present a 5 Liter bucket is used, carried on a non-geared motorbike.

How successful is this project?
When this initiative was started in Febrauary 2014, 4 out of 12 dogs drank water when it was provided to them. As of 6th May 2014, 28 out of 70 dogs drank water from the bucket when it was kept within 10 feet from them. Most of the dogs are scared of people around them. Slowly and steadily the number of dogs drinking water will increase as already seen.

What are the risks involved?
The volunteers for the Orange Bucket Project are carrying out this activity for a noble cause. They carry out this activity at their own risk. The major risks involve bites from dogs. Other than that the volunteer may be chased by a pack of dogs.

Who will be responsible if I get hurt while carrying out this activity?
This activity is completely voluntary and you will be solely responsible for yourself.  I will always be ready to help you out. :-)

Have any of the volunteers been bitten or chased by dogs till now?
No. This has not happened. This activity involves developing a kindness towards animals and connecting to their feelings in a way that they understand us.

How many volunteers work for this project?
At present I am carrying out this activity alone. This blog post is intended to create awareness about this project and gather more volunteers.

Which areas covered?
This project is carried out in Goa, India. At present water is being provided in Margao, South Goa at the following localities:
Gogol, Housing Board
Gogol, Old Chowgulle College
Gogol, Vidyanagar
Monte Hill, Aquem

Is this project registered under an NGO? 

Will I get an experience certificate?

What will I gain from carrying out this activity?
This activity is completely voluntary. By getting inlolved in this activity, you will gain the satisfaction of helping needy animals. You will also be experienced in handling dogs. ;-)

Whom do I contact to volunteer for this cause?
You can contact myself Nikhil Bhat at